Consensus on the internet #
Characterized by open participation:
- Adversary can create many Sybil nodes to try to take care of the protocol
- Honest participants come and go at will
- Limit adversary’s participation - Sybil resistance
- Maintain availability (liveness) of protocol against fluctuating participation by honest nodes - dynamic availability
Sybil-resistant protocols #
- How to select nodes to participate in consensus?
- Permissioned: fixed set of nodes (e.g., previous lecture)
- Permissionless: anyone satisfying certain criteria can participate
- However, we can’t accept anyone with a signing key: sybil attack
- Sybil attack: single node pretends to be multiple fake identities to gain network influence
- Example sybil-resistant protocols:
- Proof-of-work: computational power dedicated to protocol; e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum (pre-Sep. 2022)
- Proof-of-stake: total number of coins dedicated to protocol; e.g. Algorand, Cardano, Ethereum (since Sep. 2022)
- Proof-of-space/time: total storage across time dedicated to protocol; e.g., Chia, Filecoin
Bitcoin consensus #
- To mine new block, miner must find nonce such that
H(h_prev, txn_root, nonce) < 2^256/D
difficulty: how many nonces on average do miners try until finding a block?
- Each miner tries different nonces until one finds a nonce that satisfies above equation
Nakamoto consensus #
- Fork-choice/proposal rule: at any given round, each miner attemps to extend (i.e., mine tip of) longest chain its view, ties broken adversarially
- Confirmation rule: each miner confirms block (along w/ prefix) that is $k$-deep with longest chain in view
- Leader-selection rule: proof-of-work
Security for Bitcoin #
- Show that Bitcoin is secure under synchrony against Byzantine adversary
- Best possible resistance: $\beta < 1/2$
- Thm: If $\beta < 1/2$, then there exists a $\lambda(\delta, \beta)$ where Bitcoin satisfies security except with probability $e^{-\Omega(k)}$ under synchronous attack