Bitcoin mechanics #
Overview of the Bitcoin consensus layer #
- Miners broadcast received transaction (Tx) to peer-to-peer (P2P) network
- Every miner validates received Tx and stores them in its mempool (unconfirmed Tx set)
- Implication: miners see all Tx before posted on chain
- Every ~10 minutes:
- Each miner creates a candidate block from Tx in its mempool
- A “random” miner is selected and broadcasts its block to P2P network
- Selected miner is paid 6.25 BTC in coinbase Tx (first Tx in the block)
- Only way new BTC is created
- Block reward halves every four years
- Max 21M BTC (currently at 19.1M BTC)
- Economically: this inflates the currency - more supply means each individual BTC gets slightly devalued
- Note: miner chooses order of Tx in block
The bitcoin blockchain #
Block headers #
- Blockchain: a sequence of block headers, 80 bytes each
- Fields:
- version (4b)
- prev (link to prev. block) (32b)
- time - self-report of time miner assembled block (4b)
- bits - PoW difficulty (4b)
- nonce - PoW solution (4b)
- Merkle root - payer can give short proof Tx is in the block
- New block every ~10 min
- Fields:
- This lecture: view blockchain as Tx sequence (append only)
Transaction structure (non-coinbase) #
- Inputs: assets going into transaction
- 32b hash- equal to
- equal to
- 4b indexScriptSig
- programseq
- ignore
- (segwit) Witnesses: part of input
- outputs: who gets funds?
- 8b- specified in Satoshis
- #BTC = value/108
- program
- locktime: earliest block number that can include Tx
Validating a transaction #
- Miners check for each input:
- The program
ScriptSig | ScriptPK
(concatenation) returns true TxID | index
is in the current UTXO (unspent transaction output) set- Sum input values >= sum output values
- The program
- Spend UTXO - remove from UTXO set in memory
Bitcoin script #
- A stack machine
- Not Turing complete: no loops
- Op codes:
(82), …,OP_16
(118): push top of stack onto stack- Control
- (99)
- (105)
: abort fail iftop = false
- (106)
: abort and fail- for
ScriptPK = [OP_RETURN, <data>]
is not a script
- for
- (136)
: pop, pop, abort fail if pops not equal
- (99)
- Arithmetic
, …: pop two items, operate, push
- Crypto
: pop, hash, pushOP_CHECKSIG
: pop sig, pop pk, verify sig. on TX, push 0 or 1
- Time:
(CLTV)- fail if value at top of stack > Tx locktime value
- usage: UTXO can specify min time where it can be spent
Transaction types #
- P2PKH: pay to public key hash
- e.g. Alice wants to pay Bob 5 BTC
- Bob generates sig key pair
(pk_b, sk_b) <- Gen()
- Bob computes bitcoin addr
addr_b <- H(pk_b)
- Bob sends
to Alice - Alice posts Tx
- input: 7 BTC
for Bob: 5 BTC,ScriptPK_b
for Alice: 2 BTC,ScriptP_a
- locktime: 0
- Bob generates sig key pair
- e.g. Alice wants to pay Bob 5 BTC
- P2SH: pay to script hash
- Payer specifies a redeem script (instead of just pkhash)
- Bob publishes
hash(redeem_script) <- bitcoin_addr
- Alice sends funds to that address in funding Tx
- Bob can spend UTXO if he satisfy the script
- Bob publishes
in UTXO:HASH160 H(redeem_script) EQUAL
- Payer can specify complex conditions for when UTXO can be spent
- e.g. Multisig:
- Goal: spending UTXO requires
out ofn
signatures (i.e. 2/3) - Redeem script for 2 of 3 (chosen by payer):
<2> <PK1> <PK2> <PK3> <3> CHECKMULTISIG
- hash gives P2SH address
- ScriptSig to spend (by Payee):
<0> <sig1> <sig3> <redeem_script>
- Goal: spending UTXO requires
- Payer specifies a redeem script (instead of just pkhash)
Segregated Witness #
ECDSA malleability:
- Given
(m, sig)
anyone can create(m, sig')
withsig != sig'
- miner can change
in Tx and changeTxID = SHA256(Tx)
- Tx issuer cannot tell what
is until Tx is posted - leads to problems and attacks
- miner can change
- With segregated witnesses, signature is moved to witness field in Tx
TxID = Hash(Tx without witnesses)