Many websites rely on user analytics to improve services
e.g. Google Analytics: appears on 70% of top websites
Can see where users are connecting from, how long spent on page, devices used, etc.
Usually scoped to single request, but recently scope has been expanding (e.g. FullStory can get pretty invasive)
How this works (web tracking): cookies
Difference between first-party auth cookies and third-party analytics cookies:
First-party cookies can only be sent to same origin as that which set it
Third-party cookies can be sent to another site
e.g. Google Analytics has some JS sent by CNN (or really any other GA client) servers, that send Google cookie to Google’s servers, and then Google shares the info with CNN
Because Google cookie is the same across websites, this allows Google to track a user across sites
Alternatively, redirect chains can pass analytics state through GET query parameters; this can’t be blocked using third-party cookie blockers
Cookie ghostwriting: can set a cookie for both a first-party and an advertiser
Third-party analytics with cookie syncing is enabled on 78% of modern websites