Dynamic Programming Applications

Applications of Dynamic Programming #

Longest Common Subsequence #

Definition #

  • Subsequence: chosen sequential subset of a sequence
    • e.g.: BDFH is a subsequence of ABCDEFGH
  • If X, Y are sequences, a common sequence that is a subsequence of both
    • e.g. BDFH is a subsequence of ABCDEFGH and of ABDFGHI
  • Longest common subsequence (LCS) is a common subsequence that is the longest
    • e.g. ABDFGH is the LCS of of ABCDEFGH and of ABDFGHI

Dynamic programming steps #

  1. Optimal substructure
    • Subproblems will be finding LCS’s of prefixes to X and Y
    • Let C[i, j] = length_of_LCS(X[i], Y[j])
    • Case 1: X[i] = Y[j]
      • Then C[i, j] = 1 + C[i-1,j-1] (because we can continue the previous subsequences by adding the new common character)
    • Case 2: X[i] != Y[j]
      • Then C[i, j] = max(C[i-1, j], C[i, j-1]) (try possibilities for prefix considering previous considered characters)
  2. Recursive formulation of the optimal solution
    • Case 0: i = 0 || j = 0 -> C[i, j] = 0
    • Case 1: X[i] = Y[j] && i,j > 0 -> C[i, j] = C[i-1, j-1] + 1
    • Case 2: X[i] != Y[j] && i,j > 0 -> C[i, j] = max(C[i-1, j] + C[i, j-1])
  3. Bottom-up dynamic programming formulaton
    def lcs(X, Y):
        C = [ [0] * len(X) ] * len(Y)
        for i in range(1, len(X)):
            for j in range(1, len(Y)):
                if X[i] = Y[j]:
                    C[i][j] = C[i-1][j-1] + 1
                    C[i][j] = max(C[i-1, j], C[i, j-1])
        return C[len(X)-1][len(Y)-1]


  • Can cut down on space complexity from O(mn) to O(n) by only keeping two rows
    • However, if we want to recover the actual LCS (instead of its length) we need all rows

Knapsack Problem #

Definition #

  • Have a number of items, each with some weight and some value
  • Have a knapsack with maximum weight capacity
  • Goal: find maximum value (sum) that can be fit into the knapsack given maximum weight constraint
  • Unbounded knapsack: have infinite copies of all items
  • 0/1 knapsack: can only use an item once
  • Notation: w[i], v[i] weight and value for item i, W knapsack capacity

Dynamic programming steps (unbounded) #

  1. Optimal substructure
    • Subproblem: unbounded knapsack with a smaller knapsack
    • K[x]: value that can be fit into a knapsack of capacity x
    • Suppose we have optimal solution for capacity x that contains at least one copy of item i
      • Then the optimal solution to x - w[i] removes that item i, since if there was a different optimal solution, we could do better for x
  2. Recursive relationship
    • Let K[x] be the optimal value for capacity x
      • Then K[x] = maxi(K[x-w[i]] + v[i])
      • (K[x] = 0 if there are no i such that w[i] < x)
  3. Bottom-up dynamic programming formulation
    def unboundedKnapsack(W, w, v):
        K = [0] * (W+1)
        for x in range(1, W+1):
            for i in range(len(w)):
                if w[i] < x:
                    K[x] = max(K[x], K[x-w[i]] + v[i])
        return K[w]


  • Runtime: O(nW), whereas input size is n log W -> this is not a polynomial time algorithm, however there is not known to be anything faster
  • Space complexity O(W)
  • Can add item accounting to return the actual items that go in the knapsack (O(nW) space)

Dynamic programming steps (0/1) #

  1. Optimal substructure
    • Subproblem: 0/1 knapsack using up to the first j items and with smaller knapsack of capacity x
    • K[x, j]: optimal solution for a knapsack of capacity x using only the first j items
    • Case 1: Optimal solution for j items does not use item j
      • Then optimal solution for j items is the same as for j-1 items
      • K[x, j] = K[x, j-1]
    • Case 2: Optimal solution for j items uses item j
      • K[x, j] = K[x-w[j], j-1]
  2. Recursive relationship
    • Let K[x, j] be the optimal value for capacity x with j items
    • Then K[x, j] = max(K[x, j-1], K[x-w[j], j-1] + v[j])
  3. Bottom-up dynamic programming formulation
    def zeroOneKnapsack(W, w, v):
        K = [ [0] * (W+1) ] * len(w)
        for x in range(1, len(W)+1):
            for j in range(1, len(w)):
                K[x][j] = K[x][j-1]
            if w[j] <= x:
                K[x][j] = max(K[x][j], K[x-w[j]][j-1] + v[j])
        return K[W][len(w)-1]