Sorting Lower Bounds

Sorting lower bounds #

Defining a valid sorting algorithm #

Comparison-based model of computation (requires Ω(n log n) steps):

  • Input: array
  • Output: sorted array
  • Operations allowed: comparisons

Another model:

  • CountingSort and RadixSort
  • Run in time O(n)

Ω(n log n) bound for comparison sorting #


  • Any deterministic comparison-based sorting algorithm must take Ω(n log n) steps
  • Any randomized comparison-based sorting algorithm must take Ω(n log n) steps in expectation


  • All comparison-based sorting algorithms give rise to a decision tree
    • Internal nodes correspond to yes/no (>= / <) decisions
    • Leaf nodes correspond to outputs (in this case, all possible orderings of the items)
  • Running an algorithm on a particular input corresponds to a particular path through the tree
  • In all such trees, the longest path is at least log(n!) ~= log((n/e)n) = n ((log n) - 1) = O(n log n)
  • Thus traversing a path on the decision tree is worst case O(n log n)
    • MergeSort is optimal!

O(n) sorting* #

CountingSort #

  • Suppose we have an array of numbers (e.g. [9, 6, 3, 5, 2, 1, 2])
  • Set up buckets for values 1..9
  • Foreach number in the array, put the number in its respective buckets
  • Concatenate the buckets


  • Need to be able to know what bucket to put something in
    • Need to evaluate items directly, not just by comparison
  • Need to know what values might show up ahead of time
  • Need to assume there are not too many such values

RadixSort #

  • For sorting integers up to size M, or more generally for lexicographically sorting strings
  • Can use less space than CountingSort
  • Idea: CountingSort on least significant digit, then next significant, etc
    • Treat each bucket as FIFO, then concatenate
  • Running time: O((logrM + 1)(n+r))
    • Choose n = r: O(n(lognM + 1))
    • If M <= nc for some constant c, then this is O(n)
    • If M >= nc for some constant c, then this is O(n2/log n)