Programming for Hardware Specialization on ASICs and FPGAs #
Recall: performance and power, from 11/29’s lecture
Designing an accelerator for an algorithm #
Instead of becoming an expert in VHDL or Verilog, Chisel, etc:
- High-level synthesis (HLS): Vivado HLS, Intel OpenCL, Xilinx SDAccel
- Restricted C with pragmas
- These tools sacrifice performance and are difficult to use
- Spatial: High-level language for designing HW accelerators
- Designed to enable specification of:
- Parallelism: specialized compute
- Locality: specialized memories and data movement
- Designed to enable specification of:
Spatial: DSL for Accelerator design #
- Simplify configurable accelerator design
- Constructs to expressed:
- Parallel patterns as parallel and pipelined data paths
- Hierarchical control
- Explicit memory hierarchies
- Explicit parameters
- All parameters exposed to compiler
- Simple APIs to manage communication between CPU and accelerator
- Constructs to expressed:
- Allows programmers to focus on “interesting stuff”
- Designed for performance-oriented programmers to exploit parallelism and locality
- More intuitive than CUDA: dataflow model rather than threading model
Memory and register templates #
// Memory hierarchy; typed storage templates
val buffer = SRAM[UInt8](C)
val image = DRAM[UInt8](H, W)
// Registers
val accum = Reg[Double]
val fifo = FIFO[Float](D)
val lbuf = LineBuffer[Int](R, C)
val pixels = ShiftReg[UInt8](R, C)
// Explicit transfers across memory hierarchy
// Dense and sparse access
buffer load image(i, j::j+c)
buffer gather image(a, 10)
Inner product in Spatial #
// set up host and mem ptrs
val output = ArgOut[Int]
val vec1 = DRAM[Int](N)
val vec2 = DRAM[Int](N)
// Create accelerator
Accel {
// allocate on-chip memories
val tile1 = SRAM[Int](tileSize)
val tile2 = SRAM[Int](tileSize)
// specify outer loop
Reduce(output)(N by tileSize) { t =>
// prefetch data
tile1 load vec1(t :: t + tileSize)
tile2 load vec2(t :: t + tileSize)
// Multiply-accumulate data
val accum = Reg[Int](0)
Reduce(accum)(tileSize by 1 par 1) { i =>
tile1(i) * tile2(i)
}{a, b => a + b}
}{a, b => a + b}
- Generates multi-step controllers
- Manages communication with DRAM
- Complete app generates three-step control: Load -> Intra-tile accumulate -> full accumulate