Cache coherence #
Brief background on caches #
- Recall: die size of CPU is significantly occupied by cache!
- L3: per chip, one bank per core
- L2, L1: private per core
- Lower levels: faster/closer access for a core
- Associativity: flexibility of where a cache can put a memory address
- 4C’s cache miss model:
- Cold: first access, never seen before
- Capacity: cache is finite size, data evicted
- Conflict: when cache is not fully associative
- Coherence
Review: cache design #
- Example: suppose code executes
int x = 1;
corresponds to address0x12345604
in memory - Cache line: data is 64 bytes on modern Intel processors
- e.g. suppose 32-bit memory address, then need:
- Line offset: 6 bits
- Tag: 26 bits
- Dirty bit: has the data been modified in memory?
- e.g. suppose 32-bit memory address, then need:
- Behavior of write-allocate, write-back cache on write miss (uniprocessor case):
- Processor performs write to address that misses in cache
- Cache selects location to place line in cache
- If dirty line in location, line written out to memory
- Cache loads line from memory (allocates cache line)
- Cache line fetched and 32 bits updated
- Cache line marked as dirty
The cache coherence problem #
- Modern processors replicate mem contents in local caches
- However: processors can observe different values for the same memory location - caused by data replication to cache
- Memory system should behave: when accessing value at address X, should return last value written to X by any processor
- Easier on a uniprocessor system: CPU and DMA are only source of writes
Definition of coherence #
Memory system is coherent if:
- Results of parallel execution are such that for each mem. location, there exists a hypothetical serial ordering of all program operations consistent with execution results
- Memory operations issued by any processor occur in the order they were issued
- Value returned by a read is the value written by last write to location, as given by the serial ordering
Required invariants #
For any memory address, and at any given time period (epoch):
- Single-Writer, Multiple-Reader invariant
- Like RW-lock
- At read-write epoch, only one possible writer
- At read-only epoch: unlimited readers
- Data-value invariant: write serialization
- Value of mem address at start of epoch is same as value at end of previous read-write epoch
Implementing coherence #
- Software-based solutions (coarse-grained: over virtual memory pages)
- OS uses page-fault mechanism to propagate writes
- Can be used to implement memory coherence over clusters
- Performance problem: false sharing
- Hardware-based solutions (fine-grained: over cache lines)
- “Snooping”-based coherence
- Directory-based coherence
Snooping cache-coherence schemes #
- Main idea: all coherence-related activity broadcasted to all processors in the system (to cache controllers)
- Cache controllers monitor memory operations, and follow cache coherence protocol to maintain coherence
- Upon write, cache controller broadcasts invalidation message
- As a result, next read from other processors will trigger cache miss
- Processor retrieves updated value from memory due to write-through policy
- Dirty state of cache line indicates exclusive ownership (RW epoch)
- Modified: cache is only cache with valid copy of line (can safely be written to)
- Owner: cache responsible for propagating info to other processors when they attempt to load it from memory (otherwise a load will result in stale data)
MSI write-back invalidation protocol #
- Key tasks: ensure processor obtains exclusive write access, locating most recent copy of cache line’s data on cache miss
- Three cache line states:
- Invalid (I): same meaning of invalid in uniprocessor cache
- Shared (S): line valid in one or more caches, memory up to date
- Modified (M): line valid in exactly one cache (dirty, exclusive)
- Two processor operations (triggered by local CPU)
- Three coherence-related bus transactions from remote caches
: obtain copy of line with no intent to modifyBusRdX
: obtain copy of line with intent to modifyBusWb
: write dirty line out to memory
- Invalidation protocol:
- Read obtains block in “shared”, even if only cached copy
- Obtain exclusive ownership before writing
causes others to invalidate- If
in other cache, will cause writeback BusRdX
even if hit inS
: promote toM
- Satisfaction of cache coherence:
- SWMR invariant: satisfied as only one cache can be in
-state, all others get invalidation message - Multiple caches can be in read-only
- SWMR invariant: satisfied as only one cache can be in
MESI invalidation protocol #
- MSI inefficiency: requests two interconnect transactions for common case of reading address, then writing to it
- Solution: add additional state
(“exclusive clean”)- Line has not been modified, but only this cache has a copy of the line
- Decouples exclusivity from line ownership (line not dirty, so copy in memory is valid copy of data)
- Upgrade from
does not require bus transaction
Scalable cache coherence using directories #
- Snooping schemes broadcast coherence messages to determine state of line in other caches: not scalable
- Alternative idea: avoid broadcast by storing info. about status of the line in one place: a “directory”
- Directory entry for cache line contains info about state of cache line in all caches
- Caches look up info from directory as necessary
- Cache coherence maintained by point-to-point messages between caches on “need-to-know” basis
- Still need to maintain SWMR and write serialization invariants
Implications of cache coherence on programmer #
- Communication is everything - comm. time is key parallel overhead!
- Cache synchronization appears as increased memory access time for multiprocessor