Gpu Architecture and Cuda

GPU architecture and CUDA #

GPU history #

Graphical purpose of a GPU #

  • Initially designed for:
    • Input: description of a scene; mathematical description
      • e.g. 3D surface geometry, surface materials, lights, camera, etc.
    • Output: image of the scene

Rendering task #

  • Real-time graphics primitives (entities)
    • Surfaces represented as 3D triangle meshes: vertices (points in space), primitives (points, lines, triangles)
  • Goal: compute how each triangle in 3D mesh contributes to overall image
    • Subtask workload: given triangle, determine where it lies on screen given position of virtual cameras
    • For all output image pixels covered by triangle, compute color of surface at that pixel
  • Shader program: run once per fragment (per pixel covered by triangle)
    • Inputs: variable values that change per pixel
    • Outputs: colors at those pixels
    • Pixels covered by multiple surfaces contain output from surfaces closest to camera
  • To optimize: GPUs designed with multiple core, high-throughput (lots of SIMD and multithreading) architecture

GPUs for scientific and compute task #

  • Initial observation (2001-2003): GPUs are very fast processors for performing same computation in parallel on large collections of data
    • Data parallelism!
    • Packing more transistors on the same chip = more parallelism
  • Lead to early GPU-based scientific computation: hack
    • Map 512x512 array onto on “image”
    • Render two triangles that exactly cover screen
    • Apply “shader” computation on the collection
  • Brook Stream programming language (Stanford, 2004): abstracted GPU hardware as a data-parallel processor
    • Translated generic stream program into graphics commands that could be run on GPUs
    • However: programs limited to graphics-specific APIs; needed to set image sizes, vertices, etc. and use “drawing” abstractions for computation

CUDA: Modern GPU compute #

  • NVIDIA Tesla architecture (2007)
    • First alternative, “compute mode” interface to GPU hardware
    • Application can allocate buffers in GPU memory and copy data to/from buffers
    • Application (via graphics driver) provides GPU a single kernel program binary
    • Application tells GPU to run kernel in SPMD fashion (i.e., run N instances of the kernel): launch(myKernel, N)

Terminology #

  • CUDA: the abstraction above; “C-like” language to express GPU programs using compute hardware interface
    • Now subset of C++
    • Low-level; abstractions match capabilities/perf. characteristics of modern GPUs
  • Note on CUDA thread: similar API abstraction as pthread corresponding to logical thread of control
    • However: very different implementation!!

CUDA progams and syntax #

  • Hierarchy of concurrent threads
    • Thread IDs can be up to 3-dimensional; abstraction useful for naturally N-dimensional programs
  • Example: matrixAdd
    // begin host code: C/C++ on CPU
    const int Nx = 12;
    const int Ny = 6;
    dim3 threadsPerBlock(4, 3);
    dim3 numBlocks(Nx/threadsPerBlock.x, Ny/threadsPerBlock.y);
    // end host code
    // assume A, B, C **on GPU** allocated as Nx x Ny float arrays
    // call launches 72 CUDA threads: 6 thread blocks of 12 threads each
    // "launch a grid of CUDA thread blocks, return when all threads are terminated"
    matrixAdd<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(A, B, C)
    // kernel definition: runs on GPU
    // __global__ denotes CUDA kernel function for device
    // A, B, C are pointers/references to GPU memory
    __global__ void matrixAdd(float A[Ny][Nx], float B[Ny][Nx], float C[Ny, Nx]) {
        // each thread computes overall grid thread id from position in block (threadIdx) and block position in grid (blockIdx)
        int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
        C[j][i] = A[j][i] + B[j][i];
    • Note: number of SPMD “CUDA threads” is explicit in the program
      • Number of kernel invocations not determined by size of data collection
      • Kernel launch not specified by map(kernel, collection) like with graphics shader processing
  • Compiled CUDA device binary includes program text (instructions), and information about required resources
    • Threads per block
    • Bytes of local data per thread
    • Shared space per thread block

CUDA memory model #

  • CPUs and GPUs have different memory address spaces!
  • To reconcile: memcpy primitive, like message-passing setup
    float *A = new float[N]; // allocate buffer in host CPU memory
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) // fill the buffer in CPU host space
        A[i] = (float) i;
    // allocate buffer in device address space
    int bytes = sizeof(float) * N;
    float *deviceA;
    cudaMalloc(&deviceA, bytes);
    // populate deviceA
    cudaMemcpy(deviceA, A, bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    // note: cannot manipulate deviceA[i] from host (invalid operation), due to different address spaces

CUDA device memory model #

  • Three distinct address spaces visible to kernels:
    • Per-block shared memory: r/w by all threads in block
    • Per-thread private memory: r/w by thread
    • Device global memory: r/w by all threads
  • Address spaces represent different regions of locality
    • Has implications on CUDA implementation efficiency
    • e.g. consider scheduling of threads based on prior knowledge of which threads access the same variables

CUDA example: 1D Convolution #

  • Convolution: each output is an average of the inputs surrounding it
    • output[i] = (input[i] + input[i+1] + input[i+2]) / 3.f
  • CUDA, version 1: one thread per output element
    • CUDA kernel:
      #define THREADS_PER_BLK 128
      __global__ void convolve(int N, float *input, float *output) {
          int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // thread-local variable
          float result = 0.0f; // thread-local variable
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              result += input[index + i]; // thread computes result for one element
          output[index] = result / 3.f; // write result to global memory
    • Host code:
      int N = 1024 * 1024;
      cudaMalloc(&devInput, sizeof(float) * (N+2)); // allocate in dev mem
      cudaMalloc(&devOutput, sizeof(float) * N); // allocate in dev mem
      // omitted: initialize arrays here
      convolve<<<N/THREADS_PER_BLK, THREADS_PER_BLK>>>(N, devInput, devOutput);
    • Lots of overhead from threads only computing result for one element (more loads per thread than necessary)
  • CUDA, version 2: one thread per output element: stage input data in per-block shared memory
    • CUDA kernel:
      #define THREADS_PER_BLK 128
      __global__ void convolve(int N, float *input, float *output) {
          __shared__ float support[THREADS_PER_BLK+2]; // per-block allocation
          int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // thread-local variable
          // all threads cooperatively load block's support region from global mem to shared mem: 130 load instructions vs 3*128
          support[threadIdx.x] = input[index];
          if (threadIdx.x < 2) {
              support[THREADS_PER_BLK + threadIdx.x] = input[index + THREADS_PER_BLK];
          __syncthreads(); // barrier: all threads in block
          float result = 0.0f; // thread-local variable
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              result += support[threadIdx.x + i]; // thread computes result for one element
          output[index] = result / 3.f; // write result to global memory
    • Host code:
      int N = 1024 * 1024;
      cudaMalloc(&devInput, sizeof(float) * (N+2)); // allocate in dev mem
      cudaMalloc(&devOutput, sizeof(float) * N); // allocate in dev mem
      // omitted: initialize arrays here
      convolve<<<N/THREADS_PER_BLK, THREADS_PER_BLK>>>(N, devInput, devOutput);
    • Faster, due to less load operations per thread

CUDA synchronization constructs #

  • __syncthreads(): barrier, wait for all threads in the block to arrive at this point
  • Atomic operations
    • e.g. float atomicAdd(float *addr, float amount)
    • Provided on both global and per-block shared mem addrs
  • Host/device synchronization: implicit barrier across threads at kernel return

Assigning work #

  • Desirable for CUDA program to run on any size of GPU without modification
  • Thread-block assignment:
    • Assumption: thread block execution can be carried out in any order w/o dependencies between blocks
    • GPU implementation maps thread blocks (“work”) to cores using dynamic scheduling policy respecting resource requirements
    • Just like thread-pool model!

GPU architecture and threading #

Sub-core #

  • A group of 32 threads in a thread block is called a warp
    • Thread IDs numbered consecutively: warp with 0-31, warp with 32-63, etc.
    • A block with 256 CUDA threads is mapped 8 warps
    • Each sub-core can schedule and interleave execution of up to 16 warps (NVIDIA V100, 2017)
  • Threads in a warp executed SIMD if they share the same instruction
    • Otherwise, performance suffers due to divergent execution

Streaming multiprocessor (SM) #

  • SM architecture each clock:
    • Each sub-core selects one runnable warp (from 16 warps in partition)
    • Each sub-core runs next instruction for CUDA threads in warp
      • May apply to all or subset of CUDA threads in warp due to divergence
  • NVIDIA V100 (2017) has 80 SMs
    • Overall architecture: 1.245 GHz per clock, 80 SM cores per chip: 5120 fp32 mul-add ALUs = 12.7 TFLOPs
    • Up to 5120 interleaved warps per chip (163,840 CUDA threads/chip)

Running a CUDA program on a GPU #

  • Running a CUDA kernel has execution requirements, e.g. for convolve:
    • Each thread block must execute 128 CUDA threads
    • Each thread block must alloc 130 * sizeof(float) bytes of shared mem.
    • Assume N very large, so host-side kernel launch generates thousands of thread blocks
    • Assume fictituous two-core GPU

Execution steps #

  1. Host sends CUDA device a command: execute kernel
    EXECUTE: convolve
    ARGS: N, input_array, output_array
    NUM_BLOCKS: 1000
  2. Scheduler maps block 0 to core 0: reserves execution contexts for required resources
    NEXT = 1
    TOTAL = 1000
  3. Scheduler continues blocks to available execution contexts in interleaved fashion
    NEXT = 2
    TOTAL = 1000
  4. If next thread block won’t fit on a core (e.g. due to insufficient storage): wait for a block to finish, then schedule the next block on that core