Threads #
Definition: a thread is a sequential execution stream (i.e., executes instructions sequentially, one after another)
Virtualization #
Concept: one thing can behave like another - indistinguishably so
Why? Because modern computer hardware deals with threads in a complex, parallel (rather than serial) way, but we can treat threads as single units without having to worry about complex hardware interactions
Execution state #
Definition: Everything that can affect a thread, or be affected by it
- Variables
- Memory
- Interrupts
- Call stack (private)
- Registers (private)
- Cache
- Open files
- Network connection
- Clock
Process #
Definition: One or more threads and their execution state
Process model #
- Earliest OSes: single-tasking (1 process, 1 thread)
- By the late 1970s: multitasking (many processes, 1 thread per process)
- First on server/mainframe OSes, quickly spread to PC OSes
- 1990s: multithreading (many threads per process)
- Why? Uses multiprocessors well
- Also, as structuring tool to separate out independent tasks of a program
Processors #
Today: Processors have multiple cores, each running a thread; some cores can run two threads (hyperthreading)
Tpyical server: 2 chips, 12 cores, 2-way hyperthreading: 48 simultaneous threads
Dispatching #
- Every thread can run a process (fair scheduling)
- Threads don’t change each other’s state (protection)
Process control block (per process) #
- Saved state for threads
- Scheduling information
- Memory for process
- Open files
- Accounting
Thread states #
Why no arrow from ready to blocked? Because the thread needs to run in order to wait on a resource, which is what blocked denotes.
Dispatchers #
- Let thread run
- Save state
- Load state of new thread
- See step 1
Context switch #
What: Change core’s current thread
- Save registers on stack
- Save stack pointer in process control block (PCB)
- Load stack pointer for new thread
- Pop register from stack
- Return
What makes the dispatcher run?
- Interrupt (generated by hardware timer, disk I/O or keyboard input)
- Traps: Code written in the thread that forces it to run OS code
- System calls
- Errors
- Page fault
Picking which thread to run #
Simple approach:
- Take all ready threads and put them in a ready queue (linked list)
- When thread becomes ready, put it in the back of a queue
- Pick first off the thread to run
In practice:
- Most scheduling systems have some notion of priority
- Queue structure organized according to priority
- Dispatcher does not make priority decisions; it only physically stops and starts the threads
- Scheduler is what makes decisions
Process creation #
- Create a PCB
- Load process’s code and data into memory
- Create first thread
- Allocate stack memory
- Initialize thread state
- Make it look like thread had just been blocked before first instruction
- Add thread to ready queue
Kernel calls #
- Similar to calling a method in a local process
- User program invokes method inside the OS
Unix/Linux kernel calls #
// code is the same in parent and child
// fork() returns different value for parent or child
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) { // denotes child process
// execute something on the child process via the shell
// typically, child will change something in inherited state before calling exec()
execv("/bin/ls", argv);
} else { // denotes parent process
// wait for child process to finish
// child PID is second value returned by fork()
waitpid(pid, &status, options);
Windows kernel calls #
BOOL CreateProcess(
LPCTSTR lpApplicationName,
LPTSTR lpCommandLine,
BOOL bInheritHandles,
DWORD dwCreationFlags,
PVOID lpEnvironment,
LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory,